2 new hopper gates have been released by DJI, able to be used in the Agras T40 as well as the T20P. These two smaller hopper gates are perfect for spreading seeds with more precision and at a lower volume.
We’ve had to use the normal hopper gates with relatively tiny seeds such as clover, radishes, etc. These new hopper gates provide more accuracy when it comes to spreading smaller seeds!
These hopper gates are easily interchangeable, all you need is a snap ring plyers to replace them, then proceed with new calibration.
As of June 22nd, 2023, the process for attaining part 137 exemptions & certificate have been improved! If you were waiting in line for years like we were, you’ll understand that this is great news for agricultural drone operators.
Read more about the processes for flying legally on the FAA’s website, or contact us if you have any questions.